How To Spot & Get Rid of Toxic "Friends"
There is a saying my Dad used to say to me about toxic friends. He would say, "You know, a toxic friend will tie a cinder block around your ankles, smile at you and ask you if you would like to go swimming with them in toxic waters." As a kid, I didn't really understand what he meant by that but as I got older, it became more and more clear to me that he was absolutely right about that. Unfortunately, it is not that simple to spot if you are being dragged down by a toxic "friendship", especially if you are not a toxic or mean spirited person yourself. There are sure fire ways to tell whether or not a friendship in your life is toxic.
A toxic friend will do whatever they can to isolate you from others... especially friends in which you probably have a much healthier relationship with. A real friend wants you to be surrounded by people who are going to bring you up in life and make you feel good about yourself while a toxic friend is probably not going to be so inclined to do so. The reason for this is probably as simple as they know that the more healthy friendships you havein your life the less likely you are to allow them to bring you down in life. If a so-called friend is trying to keep you away from the people who care about you than they probably don't deserve to be included in your circle of friends.
Friends tease on another and so long as it is all in fun, feelings are not being hurt and they know when to stop and don't let it go to far, there really is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's usually the friends that we are closest to and feel the most comfortable with that we tease and can tease us all in the name of fun. However, if a friend is going out of their way to humiliate you in public and trying to have people laugh at you as opposed to laughing with you than chances are this is a toxic friend. For example, if someone starts going to far by openly teasing you about things that you have told them in confidence just as a way to embarrass you than it is no longer playful and fun. They have now crossed the line from playing around to going out of their way to humiliate
Our real friends in life want what it is best for us and will try their best to help guide us in the right direction or towards what is good for us. A toxic friend will likely do just the opposite. They don't sincerely care about us or what is in our best interest. They are more interested in what your friendship can do for them and how the decisions you make will effect them. When something good does happen to you, if it doesn't affect them in a positive way as well than they will likely act very non chalant about your good news or even angry. Instead of being genuinely happy for you they often will feel envious and even angry that something good happened to you. You will also find that a toxic friend will likely do anything and everything they can to one up you. I don't believe that there is anything wrong with a little bit of healthy competition among friends. However, when a friend cares more about getting a better mark than you, for example, than they do about the actual mark itself than they are definitely crossing over into the toxic friend zone.
So, it goes without saying. We don't.need or want these kinds of people in our lives. Why would we when we can have friends that we have healthy relationships with that will help us grow towards the positive in life as opposed to drag us down? But sometimes it is not that easy to let them go. Maybe we don't want to be mean or they have been out friend for a long time. Toxic friends are alot like schoolground bullies. They only put us down to make themselves feel better about themselves and usually this is because they lack confidence in themselves for whatever reason. Who is it that bullies usually go after? People they feel they can bully. People that they look at as weaker and they bully them because it makes them feel powerful.
The easiest way to get rid of toxic people in your life is to quite simply is to take your power back. Stick up for yourself. Let them know that you are not going to let them poison your life anymore and they will likely go away on their own. If that doesn't work, don't answer their phone calls, block them from social media and don't stop to talk to them when you see them.
And always remember. The best revenge is living well.
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