Why Do Serial Killers Wet The Beb As Children ?
Like a large portion of today's society, I find serial killers and their crimes morbidly fascinating. I think most of us are drawn particularly the things iur world that we don't understand, and fortunately, most of us do not understand what could possibly be going through the minds of a serial killer while they are committing such heinous crimes. However, countless studies are conducted trying to understand all the different aspects of serial killers and their crimes, from what goes through their minds while committing their crimes, how they live their lives, what kind of life hey have led, and on and on. Among these studies are numerous investigations into the childhoods of some of the most viscous and notorious serial killers.
Although every killer is different having lived through different childhood experiences and such there are certain experiences that are more common than others shared by the majority of the killers studied. Particularly three experiences. Two of the three didn't surprise me and in my mind, made perfect sense. However, one of the three confused me a little and sort of caused me to scratch my head a little. The first experience documented was inflicting pain and death on smaller animals as youth. This one didn't surprise me at all. Inflicting unnecessary pain, suffering and even death on smaller animals, in my mind, shows a real lack of empathy for the smaller animal in which you are hurting. That also shows to me a complete disrespect for what is right and wrong. I mean, I admit to not knowing a lot as a child, but I knew it was wrong to hurt any living thing for my own amusement. My conscience, like most children, wouldn't have allowed me to do it. The second behaviour shared by most serial killers as children is setting fires. This and behaviour number one sort of go hand in hand in my opinion. I mean, again, it shows a complete disrespect for what is right or wrong and even as children, they know it. Children know that setting fires is wrong. Period. And again, most children don't lack empathy and have a conscience that wouldn't allow them to do something such as light a building on fire. The third behaviour is a little more confusing to me. Many serial killers claim to have wet the bed as children. Not toddlers. Children, over the age of five. This behaviour doesn't seem so obvious to me. The more I thought about it and really couldn't come up with an answer of my own, the more curious I became and thought I may as well look it up on the internet. I typed "Why do serial killers wet the bed as children", into my search engine to see what would come up. I was surprised at the answers I got. Or lack there of. It looked like I wasn't the only one who didn't have the answer to this question.
I was at a workshop last week and we were. on the subject of childhood trauma and how children respond to stress. When the facilitator mentioned bedwetting, I raised my hand and asked her why children respond to stress and trauma by wetting the bed. I figured maybe it would give me a little more insight into the answer of my question about serial killers wetting the bed as children. Her response gave me an insight that was a little different than the answers I had been getting thus far. She told me that many children use bedwetting as a control mechanism. It may sound silly, but when you can't control anything else in your life but you can control when and where you urinate, a child just may do it for that reason. It is often talked about the control issues that most often come along with the personality type of most serial killers as well as the crimes they commit. They often feel the need to control their victims. I wonder if this control they feel so compelled to partake in when committing their terrible crimes is in any way correlated with the same type of control that is being displayed over and over again through bedwetting.
Another theory I seem to keep coming across while I research this subject is quite a bit different, however, still makes sense in its own right. It suggests that the real problems lie not within the actual act of wetting the bed but the consequences of their accident. As most people would probably agree, wetting the bed as an older child, past the age of five or so, can and usually is a very humiliating and unpleasant experience. This is the case with even the best of parental support however think of what this experience would be like to a child who is belittled by one or both parents for wetting the bed and punished, in some cases very severely. This said, the correlation between bedwetting as children over the age of five becoming serial killers as adults, is really about the abusive parenting techniques used by their parents than by wetting the bed itself. If this is indeed the truth than would it be fair to assume if a child had a different but equally as humiliating problem, for example a stomach condition that caused them to pass gas a lot in public, and were raised with the exact same amount of abuse and humiliation would have the exact same chance of becoming a serial killer as an adult?
The more I looked around for information about this idea and tried to find an absolute and definite answer to the question, "Why do serial killers wet the bed as children?", the more evident one the answer to this question became. There is no absolute and definite answer to this question. In 1963 a man by the name of JM Macdonald put forth what is known as the Macdonald Triad in the American Journal of Psychiatry that claimed three behaviours done by children are linked to committing extremely violent crimes, even murder, as adults. These behaviours are cruelty to animals, committing arson and wetting the bed past the age of five, twice a week or more for three months or longer. The Macdonald Triad, although very widely respected and has been for many years, has also been looked at by many as "myth". Out of the three behaviours, bedwetting has probably been the one that has been looked at as false the most over the years. Many psychiatrists and other professionals in the field claim that there is absolutely no direct correlation between serial killing and childhood bed wetting at all.
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